The Agencia Catalana del patrimoni Cultural has order RSF´s guides for different sites.
In Catalonia, northern Spain, a place awaits you where history and nature come together in equal parts. Discover the ruins of Empúries, in the heart of the Costa Brava, and admire part of the legacy left behind on the Iberian Peninsula by the civilisations of Greece and Rome. Get to know this archaeological site with more than 2,500 years of history, an idyllic place surrounded by beaches and coves with spectacular views out to the Mediterranean.
Ampurias constitutes a privileged site for understanding the evolution of urban Greek in the western Mediterranean, as well as to examine the town planning of the final period of the Roman Republic and its transformation during the post-imperial era.
Empúries is the only archaeological site in the Iberian Peninsula where remains a place where the Greek -Emporion colony enclave- with the remains of a Roman city founded in the early 1st century BC on the structures of a Roman military camp installed during the previous century.
Halfway to the itinerary you can visit the Museum. It kept some of the objects discovered during excavations, as well as the hall of Asclepius.
Through this visit, guided by the team of archaeologists of the MAC – Ullastret, you can get the latest archaeological research obtained thanks to the most advanced geophysical prospecting techniques. These studies have allowed reconstructing 3D virutalment core habitat on the Illa d’en Reixac. After the visit, you can see the 3D projection the immersive room located at the museum, thanks to the collaboration between the Department of Culture and Obra Social “la Caixa” under the Heritage program “Patrimoni en acció”.